
How important is SEO?

How important is SEO?

(Spoiler alert: pretty damn important)


Hear that sound? It’s the sound of Google’s search engine algorithm churning through a trillion bits of data at lightning speed to serve you pretty much exactly what you search for, every time.

Google is a monstrous machine. It’s also, whatever your views on big tech, undeniably ingenious.

But, as a growing business with ambitious goals and an urgent need to boost your website traffic, what do you feed this monster? How do you make sure that when people search for something your company provides, they find you first?

Well – that is the dark art of SEO.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation relates to the specific actions you can take on your website to increase organic search engine traffic.

Google’s search engine algorithm processes more than 200 different factors that together determine how high it ranks your website in its search results – and therefore how easy or difficult it is for people to find you.  

To feature on the first page of Google your website must be search-engine optimised, while delivering informative, engaging content that your audience finds useful. 

It’s not just about keywords – not anymore. Google’s 2019 BERT update changed the game for SEO specialists, moving the emphasis away from specific keywords towards optimised content and more organic language that can more accurately meet the requirements and expectations of any given search.

In short, if Google detects strong content, optimised keywords, the right backlinks, and other important SEO elements on your site, that will result in a high search engine ranking, dramatically increasing your site traffic.

Why is SEO important?

There are countless reasons why SEO is important. But before we go into the particulars, at this early stage, it’s helpful to digest some data yourself. 

Ready? Here we go…

  • 5 billion+ searches occur on Google every day.
  • 93% of all online experiences begin with a search.
  • 75% of users don’t scroll past the first page of search engines.
  • 78% of users ignore paid search results and click only on organic search results.
  • The top-ranked website on any given search has an average click-through rate of 31.7% – and is ten times more likely to be clicked on than the 10th ranked website).
  • 51% of all website traffic originates from an organic search – just 10% comes from paid search, and 5% from social media.
  • 97% of customers first learn about a local company online.
  • More than 80% of people do an online search before making a significant purchase – organic search traffic accounts for nearly half of all business revenue).
  • 88% of customers who do a local search have called or visited that place of business within 24 hours.
  • SEO leads have a 14.6% customer conversion rate – compared with a 1.7% conversion rate for other leads
  • 63% of online marketers report that improving their SEO and organic web presence is their top priority.

You got that? Good. If you just did a skim, the answer is: pretty damn important.

The lay of the land

In today’s congested digital marketplace, earning eyeballs and catching clicks has never been more difficult. Or more vital. The above statistics demonstrate that landing on the first page of a Google search – and not page two or three – is literally the difference between a successful business and one doomed to failure.

The stakes are high. The landscape is rocky and treacherous. You need bright lights to navigate it. You need experts to take you across to the promised land of Google Page 1.

You need Pixel Village.

Pixel Village’s cutting-edge SEO solutions can get you the visibility you need. We’ve got hundreds of businesses – even small ones – on page one of Google.

Contact us now and let us do the same for you.
